NaBloPoMo: Should I sign up for the madness?

National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) was created in response to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) where instead of writing a 50,000 word novel in a month you blogged every single day for the entire month of November.

I have participated in NaBloPoMo for the past two years and it has at times been fun and at times been extremely frustrating.  There are days when I simply have nothing to blog about or just don’t feel like blogging and at those times it is a real challenge to come up with a blog post.

However, it is a great way to meet fellow bloggers and they do have some great prizes on offer for those who complete the challenge.

So, should I sign myself up for the madness of NaBloPoMo once more? Do I have it in me to post every single day for the month of November?  Is anyone else crazy enough to do this?

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14 responses to “NaBloPoMo: Should I sign up for the madness?

  1. i tried NaBloPoMo twice and failed both times miserably! but if you take it up again, i’ll be your cheerleader! :)

  2. Rah: Not going for third time lucky?

  3. I did it last year, some days even posting twice. Because I am insane.

    I got the email today and thought, hmmm, but I start my new job on the third…


  4. I’ll do it if you do it – once you decide, tell me ;) :)

  5. Hi Riayn! Great to meet you. SO glad you found out about WTBAY! Hope you will join in the fun this week over there…this NaBloPoMo sounds very interesting…am going to have to check it out!

  6. Hmm, I think I could totally do this. I post like 2 or 3 times a day. And it’s clearly because I have no life. Clearly! Let me know if you do this :)

    Good luck and thanks so much for passing by my blog!!

  7. Sounds like a fun challenge. My life is nowhere near interesting enough to blog daily.

    Thanks for the comment

  8. I say go for it! I’ve done the regular NaNo twice and it is a challenge. I have too many book projects at the moment to abandon them to do it this year. But blogging might be fun – you should start the trend and get some fellow bloggers doing it with you for support!
    (PS Found you through SITS :)

  9. It sounds like a good idea but I would probably fail. Some weeks I will post 5 times and others only two. I do write some of my blogs ahead of time as I think of things and then post them when the mood strikes me. My luck I would use everything up and be SOL.

  10. Wow, I don’t know if I could blog every day for a month. I tried to blog every day for a while and was doing pretty well…but lately I’ve been suffering from writer’s block. There is so much I want to write…but sometimes I just don’t have the patience or the heart to sit down and write it…

    I think it’s a good idea though, especially if you are trying to get your creative juices going!

  11. I’ve signed up, just to see if I can! Scary idea, but worth a crack! Are you in?

    Found you on WTBAY.

  12. Pingback: NaBloPoMo: Yes We Can! « Rainbow of Chaos

  13. Pingback: I’m participating in NaBloPoMo — Jure Cuhalev

  14. Pingback: National Blog Posting Month | Wizard's Blog